Facebook Dynamic Creative Ads – When and How to Use Them

Facebook Dynamic Creative Ads – When and How to Use Them
A magnifying glass over facebook dynamic creative ads

Imagine walking into a buffet. You grab a plate and head over to the first island you see filled with steamy, delectable dishes. As you make your way through the restaurant, you pick and choose all of your favorite foods, skipping the options you don’t want until you’ve created a dinner plate perfectly catered to your cravings. What if you could take that same logic and apply it to your ad creatives to build a personalized ad with variations to your customized audience? Facebook Dynamic Creative ads do just that!

When Should You Use Dynamic Creative Ads?

This helpful Facebook tool allows you to utilize multiple ad components to improve your Facebook ad performance. These components include everything from a call to action button, to images and videos and is one of the best tools to implement when you’re unsure of what will grab your target audience’s attention. And the best part? The results are scalable, which means you can track what works and what doesn’t so that in the future, you can build your marketing strategy on proven track records.  

Helpful Tips for the How-to

  • Prioritize quality over quantity – While Facebook lets you choose up to 30 assets for your dynamic creative ad, it’s best to select two to three combinations you feel strongly about for the best results.
  • Replacing split testing – Facebook suggests that a dynamic creative ad is NOT a proper substitute for A/B testing. 
  • Images and videos – If you lack proper images and videos, you CAN use multiple text assets in your ad.
  • Don’t forget your pixel – Use a Facebook Pixel to help keep track of where your online traffic is coming from. 

Don’t Sweat, Get Smart

Facebook ads are one of the most successful ways to market your business, but if you find yourself sweating the small stuff, like your Facebook ads – then let The Get Smart Group take care of all your digital marketing needs! Our full-service marketing team is made up of industry experts, specializing in at-home recreation. Contact us today!

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