Hi!  Are you a business with decent website traffic, but you’re not showing up where you’d like in Google searches?  If so, we can help!  

The SEO tune-up is the quickest and easiest way to improve your websites most impactful organic rankings. Our simple process is designed to address the lowest hanging fruit at minimal cost, giving you maximum return on investment!

Fill out this form and our SEO experts will get in touch with you right away.  We will walk you through the process and the options for organic traffic growth.  Let us know your company name and website, and we will come to the meeting with actual data and not waste your time.  If you’re not into the whole form thing, click here and book a meeting right now. (Or click here to read more below)

Book Your SEO Consultation Now!

The State of Organic Traffic and SEO

Visitors to your website are critical to the growth and success of your business.  Most business rely on a mix of paid (think Google Ads, Facebook Ads etc.) website traffic and organic website traffic.  While there is always an argument for both types of traffic, organic traffic is superior in a number of ways.  Over the past 15 years of working on websites, driving customers and tracking the results, we’ve learned a few things along the way.  After pulling together all of the “what actually works” techniques, and discarding the waste, we’ve developed The SEO Tune-up, a wide-ranging package of deliverables designed to increase organic (free!) traffic to your website.  First, let’s learn a bit about why organic traffic is so important, and then we’ll get into the details of what we do to help.

SEO Tune-up Pricing


Audit + Review + Report

$ 1,000 one time
  • Full audit reports from leading tools
  • Content Review
  • Technical SEO Review
  • Wordpress Setup Review
  • 3 Hours of Optimization Work
  • GBP Ehancements


Boost Organic Traffic

$ 5,000 one time
  • Everything in Kickstart
  • GBP Optimization (or setup)
  • Up to 5 Hours Technical Work
  • Baseline Tracking Setup
  • Keyword Audit + Starter List
  • 5500 Words of Content Added
  • Updated Design of New Content Pages
  • Montioring with Agency Tools
  • Before/After Benchmark Reporting
Most Popular!

The Works

A Ton of New Traffic

$7,500+ one time
  • Everything in Growth
  • Multiple Location Pages + GBP
  • Additional Design Pages
  • Service Area Pages
  • Detailed Competitor Analysis
  • Advanced Conversion Tracking
  • GA4 Advanced Setup
  • Custom UI/UX Development

What is Organic Traffic and Why Does it Matter?

Organic website traffic comes from people clicking on search engine results that are not ads, links in social media posts, the “website” button in a Google Business Profile, and many other places.  Basically, any visitor who comes to your website from a non-paid source is considered organic traffic.  So why does this matter?  First let’s look at a very simplified Search Engine Results Page (SERP).  The image here shows a typical google SERP, with paid ads on top and organic links below.  Of course, Google and the other advertising platforms want you to click on the paid ads, because that’s how they make money.  But in many cases, the paid ads are not the best answer to your question.  That’s literally why businesses pay for ads.  They haven’t put in the work to rank on the first page organically, so they pay money to be on top.  But here’s what’s crazy… The 1st organic link still gets more clicks than the ads!  

Seo search results page click through rates by keyword ranking position

Key Factors To Improve Your Organic Rankings

Way back in the year 2000, our co-founder Scott Reynolds was tasked with researching the best way to rank better for one of his clients.  After exhaustive research, the number one factor in determining your organic ranking was the quantity and quality of the written content on the website.  And you know what?  That same factor is 100% true today.  Sure, there are a bunch of other settings, tools, tweaks, and best-practices to pay attention to, but content was, and always has been, the #1 contributing factor to great Search Engine Optimization results.  But before we dive into the ins-and-outs of great content, let’s talk about some of the other things you need to pay attention to.

Website Performance

A couple of key metrics that go into your overall site performance include:

  • How fast your site loads
  • How optimized the images are
  • Speed to the first contentful paint (super nerdy metric)
  • Overall site structure

We use a great tool called GTmetrix to provide us with part of the audit we deliver to you.  Once we’ve completed our website work and improvements, we’ll always send you a before-and-after version of this report to show how our work helped.   The version we use it paid, but there is also a free version you can check out on your own.

SEO Optimized Images

Most websites that we encounter use images that are way too large (in file size).  The picture you took off of your phone won’t work on a website.  Make sure you’re using an image-optimization plugin that can automatically reduce file sizes, which in turn, makes your site load faster.  You also need to make sure you’re putting the ‘alt-text’ tag on all images that describe the image using words.  Of course, we’ll handle this part of the website for you when you sign up for The SEO Tune-up.

Proper Setup of Your Google Business Profile

The Google Business Profile (GBP), which used to be called “Google My Business”, is a major factor affecting rank in the Search Engine Results Page.  You need to make sure you have a great description written, lots of pictures from you and your customers, your business hours setup, your address verified, all of the appropriate categories selected, and a whole lot more.  Oh, and don’t forget the reviews!  Reviews on your GBP significantly impact your ability to get into the “local pack”, which is the “mini map” that shows up with only three businesses when people search for certain things.

Real World SEO Examples

So this is a lot of words on a page.  Does it help?  Yep.  It can help your business too. Let’s look at a few examples of projects we’ve taken on over the last few years.  In each instance, our clients’ websites were performing well, had decent content (but not enough), and we were all ready to increase the organic traffic to their site.

Backyard Equipment Manufacturer

In this case, we helped re-brand a website, and took an otherwise boring online presence and created a world class experience for site visitors.  We also added a ton of content (upwards of 20,000 words) to their site.  Combined, year-over-year, the results were rather staggering.  You’ll also note that the average paid click to their site was hovering around $4.00, so the increase in traffic below saved them a lot of money by reducing future ad spend.

Seo case study of organic traffic growth

The organic traffic difference over a six-month period equates to over $44,000 in reduced ad spend as a result of the organic visitors.

Hot Tub Retailer in Texas

Here is another client of ours in highly competitive Texas market.  After maxing out paid-search campaigns, it was time to get to work tuning up their SEO.  Over the course of a few months, we added 10s of thousands of words of quality content, and hundreds of Service Area Pages to their site.  Now, looking year-over-year, the results are quite interesting:

Seo organic traffic increasing
Seo case study - texas hot tub retailer organic traffic growth

In the same time frame, the organic efforts (via The SEO Tune-up) increased their organic visitors by 4,583 visitors over a five month period, a 46% increase.  Have you had enough math yet?  No?  Good!  Let’s do some more…

In looking at the cost of a paid search visitor to the site, during the same time frame it was holding steady at about $4.31.  Assuming the number of visitors remains steady (it’ll actually keep going up through ongoing SEO efforts), that’s about 11,000 visitors each year, at a paid cost of $4.31, which means this business is getting $47,410 worth of free traffic to their website as a result of The SEO Tune-up.

Service Area Pages

The good people at Google are smart.  In fact, Google employs more Ph.D.s than any other organization on earth (including the US military).  But sometimes, you just need to smack ’em over the head with relevant data to make sure your site ranks where it needs to for a whole range of local search phrases that drive a ton of traffic.  This is where Service Area Pages come into play.

A service area page combines a service you provide with a location where you provide it.  For example, “House Painting in Cleveland” or “Swimming Pool Repair in New York”.  As you can imagine, the number of combinations we can create for your business can quickly get out of hand.  So, we work with you to develop the most common “locations” near your business, along with the most popular/profitable things/services you sell.  For example, a business in San Francisco could have locations such as “San Francisco”, “The bay area”, “The peninsula”, or “Northern California”.  There are others, but these would be the most common.

From there, we generate ~3000 custom written words to promote each specific service/product that you offer.  And finally, we create the ideal combination of pages with unique content based on our plan.  We usually start with 100 Service Area Pages as the minimum and scale up from there.

How about a free SEO Audit?

Using one of our industry leading tools, you can get a comprehensive SEO audit emailed to you in about 3 minutes.  Fill out the form below, and answer a few more questions on the following page, and you’ll get this great report free of charge.  This report will give you a better understanding of the following:

  • Backlinks and Domain Authority
  • Ranking Compared to Competitors
  • Local Listings
  • A Review of Your Reviews
  • Preliminary Google Business Profile Audit
  • On-Site SEO Performance
  • Social Channel Performance

Once you fill this out, we’ll also get a copy of the same information which will make our meeting time even more valuable.

Custom SEO Optimized Content

And now, let’s talk about content.  As we learned earlier, the #1 factor to improving your website rank is consistent, quality content.  Great content is one of the most difficult things for most businesses to focus on, hence the existence of services like The SEO Tune-up.  Our expert team of full-time, North America based writers will create custom content for your website based on personalized research, interviews with your team, and best-practices for the best ranking opportunities.  So how do we know how much to write?  The numbers below are the minimum that we recommend to see successful growth in your organic website traffic.

  • Home Page – 2500 words 
  • Main Product Category Page – 1500 words
  • Product Page – 1000 words
  • Service Area Pages – 1500 words
  • Location Pages – 1500 words

Every project is unique, but this is generally how we approach the word count for The SEO Tune-up.

The SEO Tune-up

Let’s put this all together.  Overall, we’ve been seeing incredible results after putting some serious efforts into improving Search Engine Optimization for our clients, nationwide.  To that end, we’ve packaged up all of the recommendations above into a few price points, depending on where you are with content, site optimization and overall SEO prowess.  At it’s core The SEO Tune-up is a purely data-driven approach to measuring SEO success.  When we start working with you, we’ll take a “snapshot” of where your entire SEO setup & content stand.  Then, over about 45 days, we create a plan, add content to your site, and improve overall technical SEO items.  Finally, after about 90 total days (the search engines need a bit of time to crawl and index your site), we come back and look at the improvements, and discuss other ways to improve traffic to your business.

Take a look at our price points, and please do get in touch with us to schedule a discovery call with our experts right away.  There is no time like the present to being building the foundations of free organic traffic for years to come.

Book Scott Reynolds to Speak at Your Event