Business Development

Learn From Experts how to Grow Your Business

Business development

Get Smart, Get Growth

We aren’t just your marketing company. We have extensive experience both growing our own business and helping our clients grow theirs.

We know small businesses, and we know large organizations. We’re business partners with our clients, looking out for every facet of their company, not just the advertising part. Here are a few of the things we regularly help our clients navigate:

Growth Strategies

What does it look like to expand a single-store pool and spa business to a second location? A fifth location? We know, because we help our clients with just these growth strategies. Whether your goal is to expand statewide, add new product lines, or bring on a service and maintenance route fleet, we can help. We can also navigate issues like adding or upgrading your POS, adding an ecommerce element to your website, and building a service scheduler onto your website.

Team Management

We have extensive experience in sales team management, including hiring, training, and achieving buy-in for your new systems or expansion. How do you communicate upcoming promotions with your staff? How do you manage their lead follow-up? How do you monitor customer service issues? We help all size businesses get on top of sales and team management, believing that your people are the keys to success.

Business Intelligence

How do you plan staffing needs for the upcoming year? What about inventory control and supply chain management? Do you get a better ROI from a promotion for $2500 off hot tubs or $100 off pool liner replacements? What’s the ideal spend for monthly Google ads? We have the systems and solutions you need to get this actionable business intelligence, as well as the know-how to help you make sense of it all.

Business development

Technology Solutions

The marketplace was well on its way to moving online before the pandemic. Lockdowns and other restrictions sealed the deal. Your online presence is more crucial than ever, which means a robust website where your customers can shop without leaving their homes. In addition to a comprehensive website, we can provide you with an ecommerce store and various plugins to improve your customers’ online experience. Ask about our solutions like the scheduler, which allows customers, as well as your in-store staff, to schedule routine maintenance or service right from your website. Also, let us tell you about our photo gallery plugin, which allows customers to shop for a pool with keyword searches, like “20-foot fiberglass pool” or “green concrete pool”.

Business Disruption Management

Disruption is more or less the norm these days. Three years ago, disruption meant getting a new CRM that nobody knew how to use. Today, disruption means the store is shut down for months. Or you cannot get enough staff to keep your doors open. Or, you can’t get inventory for 6 months. We helped numerous clients navigate the most disruptive time in modern history, and not one lost their business. In fact, most of our clients sold out of product and still had lines of customers putting down payments on merchandise they couldn’t receive for months. Let us help you navigate business disruption and come out like champs!

And, Oh Yeah: Marketing Strategy

We do a lot for our clients and their businesses. One of those is marketing! We know how to reach the right audiences with the right offers. We know how it’s different marketing pools in the frigid Northeast versus marketing hot tubs in the scorching Southwest. We know who buys them, why they buy, and how much they’re willing to spend. Let us help you develop a smart marketing strategy, based on metrics, that reduces spend and raises your ROI.

Our team is at the ready! Call us, so we can get them working on your business!

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