Blog Writing and SEO

Get Seen Where Everyone Searches

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Get in front of the internet.

Got blogs? A smart content strategy helps you win customers.

One of the components of our Leadgic package is regular blogs. Why is that so important?

Search engines love shiny new things, but most businesses can’t afford to get a new website more often than every 3-5 years. Blogs keep your content fresh, which sparkles brightly and catches the attention of Google, and by proxy, consumers searching for your kind of products.

Blogs allow you to continually improve SEO.

We can target new keywords, delve into those long-tail keywords, cut into your competition’s keyword rankings, and build upon keyword searches you’re already doing well in. Neglected keywords tend to fall in ranking over time, and blogs are a stopgap to keep you ranking high for coveted keywords relative to your business.

Blogs allow you to engage on a deeper level with leads and customers. Blogging showcases your brand voice and personality. When you have an active blog, you quit looking like “a business” and start sounding like real people. If done right, you sound like people they want to do business with.

Blogs position you as industry experts. Let’s say you build pools. There are probably several pool builders in your market. By providing trustworthy, valuable information to your community on a regular basis, you become the “ones who know what they’re doing.” You can tell them why you build the types of pools you do, how your climate affects their pools, how the installation process looks, optional features they might not have considered, what it’s like to maintain their pools, and more. You’ll be the pro, and they’ll choose your business when it’s time to buy.

Blog writing and seo

Blogs allow you to get exposure for some of your products that aren’t high enough profit generators to merit advertising.

For example, do you sell pool toys and party supplies? Do you stock accent pieces for patio furniture or offer water testing? These low-profit-margin products don’t make sense to drop a $500 ad budget behind, but it’s very realistic to promote these through regular blogs. It brings in customers without taking out ad dollars.

Blogs support your other marketing efforts. For example, we frequently use top-performing blog posts for our social media marketing, getting a one-two punch out of your content and improving engagement. We can also highlight product lines you need to promote, special sales, your community involvement, and we can help educate your customers about when to do things like open and close their pools, maintain their pool or spa water, or request a service call.

A thoughtful blog can actually reduce the number of calls your staff gets for general questions and we can broadcast your blog posts through your marketing emails for maximum exposure. We have one client who publishes an annual blog explaining why pools can appear to leak during the fall when temperatures drop and water evaporates. Clients also like to use blogs to inform customers about issues like how to troubleshoot a pump, how to use a pool cover, and what to do if someone uses their pool as a potty.


Meet the Expert Senior Content Manager

Our Senior Content Manager, Christy Dunaway, has over 30 years’ writing and editing experience, with a special focus on small business writing. 

Content & Sales Writer
Content Manager
Lead Content Manager

Our content team is at the ready! Call us, so we can get them working on your blogs!

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