Smart Lead Generation for Your Pool and Spa Business

Smart Lead Generation for Your Pool and Spa Business

Angling for Potential Pool and Spa Customers

Smart lead generation for your pool and spa business

Lead generation is a pivotal part of securing new customers. But you can’t expect that they’ll always just drive by your location and suddenly come in, ready to buy a hot tub or secure a pool build. Customers are looking for pools and spas, you can be sure, but they won’t come to you unless you’re in front of them in all the best ways. 

Hook, Line…

The first step to effective lead generation for your pool and spa business is to capture the attention of those that are considering a pool build or hot tub purchase in your area. The most obvious neon sign (if you will) is Google, of course. Many homeowners will turn to the most popular search engine in the world first to find “pool companies near me” or “spa dealers in [city location].” 

It goes beyond having a website that Google recognizes, though that website is critical, mind you. Better results occur if you also create a Google Business Profile so that you can provide as much information as possible to potential leads from the moment they see your business name. The more they can find about your company from point one, the more likely they are to check out your website and see just what you can do. 

Likewise, Bing – the search engine from Microsoft – is very popular with those that use Microsoft Edge browsers, and therefore setting up a Bing Places for Business profile is also important!

Let’s not forget the almighty social media platforms. Younger generations especially are utilizing Instagram and Facebook searches (including via hashtags) to find businesses in their area. You will need to have at least one thriving social media account for your pool and spa business in order to effectively capture the attention of the under-40 crowd. When we say “thriving,” we mean that you’ve got regular, engaging content on your social media business profile – you need someone managing that systematically. 

… and Sinker

Ideally, all of this bait will get potential pool and spa customers swimming toward your website, where they can join your email list or utilize your contact page to obtain more information and – BOOM! – you’ve captured your lead (more on what to actually do with that in a bit). But what if they’re snapping that bait up immediately and reaching out to you via your Google Business Profile, Bing Profile, or social media account? How are you going to maintain information from four or more different sources? 

This is where a dedicated CRM – Customer Relation Management – program is vital to making lead generation work for you. The right program from The Get Smart Group can manage leads from multiple sources all in one place, so you know who to follow up with, when and where. 

The CRM program you need is user friendly, provides customer service dedicated to valuing your time, and most of all, has a plan. It should be about more than a data stream that you have to cypher. The information should be organized in an intuitive way, giving you space to make notations about each customer interaction, not just demographics. And you need to be able to use the system to hone the interests for each lead, especially since the offerings for most pool and spa companies are expansive. 

Cultivate the Catch

Grabbing the attention of and contact information for potential pool and spa customer leads isn’t where the story ends. In fact, this is where the story you’re telling is just beginning – the story of an amazing experience right in their own backyard that only your pool and spa business can provide. You need to nurture those leads so they become a long-standing relationship. 

CRM isn’t just a collection of names and emails. It should also offer a means for you to conduct an email marketing campaign to keep those leads engaged and your pool business at the forefront of their minds. Emails should be informative about the best pool options, pool building process, and more. They should tell customers what features are available on hot tubs from your spa business and why each is beneficial. They should answer the questions you know they’re going to ask, but also not be so cumbersome that the dreaded “unsubscribe” button is hit post haste by your potential customers.

If you’re simply relying on memory, or that weekly reminder to send follow-up messages to every email, phone call, or Facebook message your company received last month, you’ll never be able to fully provide the attention each potential spa and pool customer deserves. You need multiple points of contact, but managing that on your own, even with an Excel spreadsheet, is going to always be a daunting task. A CRM is the best way to see your business grow. 

You Shouldn’t Fish Alone

Coming back to the fact that The Get Smart Group offers CRM software: this is only the beginning of what we can do for you. We recognize that managing all of this – Google, Bing, multiple social media accounts, a website customers want to browse for more than seven seconds, a means of collecting potential customer data, and developing and writing an impactful email marketing campaign – is a lot for any business to handle on their own. Sure, you can hire in-house staff, but you’re still just relying on one or two people to keep up with a lot of data.

The Get Smart Group has a dedicated team of experts who do everything from social media management, to content writing, to lead nurturing. We work cohesively to bring the best lead generation system together without any one person getting overwhelmed with too many tasks. We’ve been doing this for years for innumerable pool and spa businesses. We know what works well, what doesn’t, and what will guarantee results. 

For the smartest lead generation system for your pool and spa business, trust The Get Smart Group to cast a wide net and help you nurture a relationship with potential customers that leads to sales! Schedule your free consultation today to get started on all of the impactful ways to take your business to new levels.

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