Is Facebook Marketing for Pools Still Important?

Is Facebook Marketing for Pools Still Important?

Man using facebook marketing for pools on his laptop by a pool

Facebook sometimes feels like a thing of the past. You log on, see all of your relatives arguing, and log right back off. So, is Facebook marketing for pools still important? Will anyone even see what you’re posting? Let’s think things through.

Who’s Using Facebook, Anyway?

If you ask any teenager, they don’t have Facebook. It’s something for old people, right? Even 20-somethings seem to not be using Facebook as much anymore. So is anyone even using Facebook?

Your preconceptions about Facebook users may be wrong. According to Pew Research Center, 70% of people ages 18-29, 77% of people ages 30-49, and 73% of people ages 50-64 all use Facebook. That covers all of your current potential pool buyers and your pool buyers within the next 5-10 years. “But this data is like 5 years old, right?” Nope. This is accurate as of 2021.

So, who’s using Facebook, anyway? Almost everyone.

But Are They Actually Using Facebook?

So all of these people may be saying they use Facebook, but are they really? It’s hard to tell. They may not use it every day, but they log in regularly enough to say they use it in a survey. But, Facebook marketing for pools is important, even if people don’t see your posts in their feed.

Wait, what? Yes, you heard us right. Facebook marketing is still important even if people don’t see posts in their feed. Sometimes, Facebook just tells people your business is there. When you look up a new business, what do you look at other than their website? Their Facebook page. It gives you even more up-to-date information than their website. Some businesses use their Facebook page as their website. But, if you see a business with an inactive Facebook page, you may wonder if they still exist. Don’t be that business.

How Do I Market Pools on Facebook?

Facebook marketing for pools is not as complicated as you make it for yourself. It really consists of two things: running ads and posting on your timeline.

A lot of people who will buy a pool from you won’t already be following you. They’ll find you from a general search, or maybe a Facebook ad. You can target your Facebook ads to the exact demographic you want to view them. They’ll see your ad, and if they’re interested in buying a pool, they’ll now know about your business.

But, posting on your regular feed is important, too. It keeps your current customers (followers) engaged with your business. And, if someone comes across your Facebook page, they’ll know your business is still active, like we mentioned earlier. Plus, they’ll get to see all your great work.

Does this sound like a lot of work to you? It doesn’t have to be. At The Get Smart Group, we specialize in pool and spa marketing. So, we can help you run Facebook ads and monthly Facebook posts. You can focus on selling pools, and we’ll focus on marketing them.

Sound good? Schedule a free 30 minute consultation to discuss how we can help with your Facebook marketing for pools.

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